Weight-Loss Surgery Revisions
Unfortunately, some weight-loss surgeries do not go as planned. Health issues can sometimes arise or your weight loss may not be what you expected. Our team of compassionate professionals listens to your concerns and works with you to develop a plan to move on to the next stage of your weight-loss journey.
At St. Elizabeth Physicians Weight Management Center we have the clinical expertise to revise weight-loss surgeries that led to health issues and undesired results.
We offer several revision and conversion surgeries, including:
Contact Us
Call today to start making lasting, healthy changes in your life.
(859) 212-4625 (GOAL)
Our Results Say it Best
We work hard to provide you with experienced, compassionate care, and it shows. St. Elizabeth Weight Management Center is accredited by the American College of Surgeons and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery through the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP), which means we’ve undergone a rigorous process of evaluations to ensure we adhere to high standards in safety, training, follow up and surgical volume standards. MBSAQIP is the gold standard for weight-loss centers.
Our high standards pay off with results you may not get anywhere else:
If you had previous weight-loss surgery and it prompted further health complications, we can help make it right.