Mark Pell, DPM
Saint Elizabeth Physicians Provider
Mark Pell, DPM
Clinical Focuses: Ankle Surgery, Foot, Foot Surgery, Foot and Ankle, Foot and Ankle Surgery, Surgical Podiatry (View All)
Mark Pell, DPM
Clinical Focuses: Ankle Surgery, Foot, Foot Surgery, Foot and Ankle, Foot and Ankle Surgery, Surgical Podiatry (View All)
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(859) 212-0175
Location(s) Medical Coverage Ratings & Reviews
Podiatry - Covington
Saint Elizabeth Physicians Provider
St. Elizabeth Physicians
Podiatry - Covington
1500 James Simpson Jr Way
Covington, KY 41011-0801
(859) 212-0175
Podiatry - Southgate
Saint Elizabeth Physicians Provider
St. Elizabeth Physicians
Podiatry - Southgate
525 Alexandria Pike
Southgate, KY 41071-3290
(859) 212-0175
Temple University of Podiatric Medicine - Medical Education
(Philadelphia, PA)
Roxborough Memorial Hospital - Residency
(Philadelphia, PA)
American Board of Podiatric Medicine
Ratings & Reviews
Overall Score
4.7 out of 5
251 ratings
About the Survey Press Ganey Survey

St. Elizabeth Physicians measures all aspects of the patient experience. To ensure that we are holding ourselves to the highest standards in achieving trust, satisfaction, and positive outcomes, we partner with an independent patient satisfaction company, Press Ganey. For more than 35 years, Press Ganey has been the industry's recognized leader in improving the patient experience. Today, Press Ganey works with more than 26,000 healthcare facilities. For more information, please visit

How is the Top 10% of Provider Badge determined?

The Top 10% of Provider Badge is based on patient responses to five questions about care from their physician/provider during an office visit in relation to friendliness/courtesy, clear explanation, confidence, concern, and time spent. Although Press Ganey does not provide any endorsement on this type of marketing information, the results St. Elizabeth Physicians have gathered from Press Ganey are factual and accurate. St. Elizabeth wants to highlight and recognize those providers who continuously deliver outstanding care.

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