Pay My Bill

Select the St. Elizabeth organization you received care.

St. Elizabeth Physicians

Paying your bill is easy with the St. Elizabeth Physicians online Patient Bill Pay System. While you can still pay by mail or over the phone, many people prefer the convenience of paying online anytime—24/7. It’s quick, simple, and designed to make your life easier.

Bank Account Cards or Credit Cards Accepted:

If you have a question about your bill, contact our customer service representatives.

Phone: (859) 344-5555

Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Friday.

Paperless Billing Notice. Starting April 2, 2025, patients who have an active MyChart account will be auto enrolled in paperless billing and will no longer receive bills in the U.S. mail. To opt out of paperless billing, please log into the MyChart App. Visit the MyChart App.

What Does Your Bill Look Like?

To find out which St. Elizabeth organization provided your care, check the paper screenshots below. You can also see the organization listed under paperless billing in MyChart.

If you have a question about your St. Elizabeth Healthcare bill, contact our customer service representatives.

Mon – Fri: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

If you have a question about your St. Elizabeth Physicians bill, contact our customer service representatives.

Mon-Thu: 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Fri: 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

St. Elizabeth Physicians Billing Resources

Payment Plans

What if I cannot pay my bill in full? – At St. Elizabeth physicians offer many payment options including payment plans. Please contact us if you are unable to make payment in full. Making less than a full payment without making prior arrangements may result in the transfer of your account to an outside collection agency.

Financial Hardship Program

St. Elizabeth Physicians is committed to providing financial assistance to those in need. Eligibility is based upon family size and current income. Print the Financial Hardship Application from our website. Our Financial Hardship Program is designed for:

  1. Individuals and families having a remaining balance after their insurance has processed a claim, or
  2. Individuals and families who are uninsured.

The goal of the Financial Hardship Program is to ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to receive medically necessary care, regardless of their ability to pay. If the patient’s family income is below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, this program may provide substantial relief from physician bills. To be eligible, patients must complete an application and provide the necessary documentation. For assistance with our Financial Hardship Program, please call (859) 344-5555 or toll-free at (877) 687-3303 Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

How to Apply for Financial Hardship

  1. Print the Financial Hardship Application from our website
  2. Pick one up at your physician’s office
  3. Call our customer service department at (859) 344-5555 or toll-free at (877) 687-3303.

How do I turn in an application for Financial Hardship?

  1. You can mail in your application to St. Elizabeth Physicians Attn: FHA PO Box 630839 Cincinnati, OH 45263
  2. You can fax your application to (859) 795-5461
  3. You can email your application to
  4. You can turn in your application at any of our office locations.

Criteria for Financial Assistance

  • Before any financial hardship is granted, you must exhaust all other sources of payment including insurance.
  • Family income in relation to income guidelines
  • Patient must be a United States citizen or legal resident.

To determine if you are eligible for financial hardship, you must provide a completed financial hardship application along with copies of supporting income documents. Upon receipt, we will process your application and notify you of our determination within 30 days.

Charges from St. Elizabeth Healthcare or by other providers not within St. Elizabeth Physicians are not covered by the St. Elizabeth Physicians financial hardship program.

Proof of Income

  • If you are claiming that you have no income, please provide a notarized explanation of how you are obtaining food, housing, etc.
  • If you reside with someone who provides for you, you must submit their income information.
  • Three consecutive check stubs (including current employment, child support, unemployment, workers compensation, etc.).
  • Food stamp letter
  • Previous year’s tax return
  • Social security or disability benefit letter
  • If self-employed, a financial statement of gross income fewer business expenses on company letterhead and notarized.
  • If you are a nursing home resident, please send proof of residency and power of attorney (POA) papers.


You will receive written notice of approval or denial once all documents are received for your financial hardship application. It takes approximately 30 days from the time we receive your completed application and supporting documents to process and mail you a determination letter. Incomplete applications will only delay the financial hardship application process. If you are denied, you will be responsible for payment in full. If you are unable to make full payment on your account, you can arrange a payment plan.

St. Elizabeth Physicians will not discriminate in the determination of financial hardship eligibility on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, marital status, age, or disability.

Discount to Self-Pay Patients who do not qualify for Financial Hardship

St. Elizabeth Physicians provides discounted pricing to uninsured patients who do not qualify for financial hardship assistance. The discount rate will remain in place for a 12 month period and will be reviewed each December for the following year. This discount is automatically applied at the time of billing to all accounts designated as “self-pay”.

When possible, financial counseling and discounted pricing will be discussed with patients prior to being seen. Charges from St. Elizabeth Healthcare or by other providers not within St. Elizabeth Physicians are not covered by the St. Elizabeth Physicians self-pay discount.

Assistance for Uninsured Patients

Our Financial Counselor utilizes a social service approach to assisting uninsured patients with securing insurance and/or funding through federal and state agencies (i.e. Department of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Kynect, etc.). We can help the patient navigate the application process either by phone or in-person interviews.

If you are uninsured and wish to discuss your options for obtaining insurance, please call (859) 301-6291 Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Uninsured Discount Program

For uninsured patients who do not qualify for either of the programs above or other discounts, we offer a self-pay discount for physician bills.

For questions regarding the self-pay discount, please call (859) 344-5555 or toll-free at (877) 687-3303 Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Click here to view a list of all Patient Financial Expectations.

When you get emergency care or are treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, you are protected from balance billing. In these cases, you shouldn’t be charged more than your plan’s copayments, coinsurance and/or deductible.

Read more at Patient Protection for Out-Of-Network Billing.

When you come to our Office

St. Elizabeth Physicians participate with most insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid. Prior to your visit, check with your insurance company to verify coverage and participation of our provider; otherwise you may be responsible for all or a large portion of your bill.

Bring Your Health Insurance Information

Please bring your complete health insurance information with you to every visit and have it available at check-in. This includes identification, all insurance cards and any authorization forms you may have. We will ask you to sign forms such as a release of information, consent and possibly additional forms depending on the nature of your visit.

Inform Us of Changes

In order for claims to be paid promptly, St. Elizabeth Physicians needs your most up to date information. This would include contact information (address, phone numbers) as well as insurance information. A lack of current information can cause payment delays, insurance denials, and collection balances that may ultimately leave you responsible for payment.

Copayments, Deductibles and Coinsurance

Copayments for physician services and any other outstanding balances are due on the day you receive services. If your insurance requires it, you may also be required to pay an estimated co-insurance or deductible amount related to your care. In many instances, you will be notified prior to your visit of any outstanding balances. This is done to expedite your check-in process and to provide you with more convenient payment options.

If you have any questions regarding your copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance requirements please contact your insurance company.

Collection Policy for Out-of-Pocket Expenses – It is the policy of St. Elizabeth Physicians to collect payment for any out-of-pocket expenses when possible. You may be asked to make payment arrangements for balances due upon arranging an appointment, during your appointment reminder, at check-in or at check-out. If you are unable to pay at that time, you will be transferred to our billing office so that you can arrange a payment plan or financial hardship.

Making Deposits – Some procedures may require you to pay a deposit or pay for the service in full prior to your care.

Authorization of Service – Authorizations are required by most health plans, especially for elective services which may require notification to be sent to your primary care physician. If your service is deemed not medically necessary, is pre-existing, or is just not covered you will be required to pay at time of service.

Consent = Financial Responsibility – The person who consents to medical treatment (the guarantor) will be financially responsible for the bill, including legal guardian of a child.

Payment Options – Your payment due date will be listed on your statement. We accept Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

  • By Mail – Please detach the bottom portion of your billing statement and include it with your payment in the envelope provided. St. Elizabeth Physicians P.O. Box 630839 Cincinnati, OH 45263. Please note guarantor number on payment for proper allocation.
  • By Phone – We can accept credit card payments over the phone. Please have your account number available to expedite the process. Call our customer service department at (859) 344-5555 Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • In Person – Payment can be made at any St. Elizabeth Physicians location or at our Central Billing Office. See a complete list of all our locations at by clicking on Our Locations
  • Online – by clicking on Bill Pay.
  • My Chart – Visit If you are not a current user or do not have an access code, contact your physician’s office to be assigned an access code.

Payment Plans – As a service to our patients, we offer payment plans for those who are unable to pay their balance in full. To set up a payment plan, please contact our customer service department at (859) 344-5555 Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. For your convenience, you may set up a payment plan through MyChart.

Medicare Patients: What to Expect

If you are covered by Medicare Part B, we will submit all claims to them on your behalf. You may be asked a series of questions regarding your status and including other insurance you may have.

When Medicare Does Not Cover a Service – By Medicare guidelines, we are only able to provide services approved as medically necessary. In the event that a service is not covered by Medicare, you will be asked to sign an ABN (Advanced Beneficiary Notice) that makes you financially responsible for the services provided. We will bill you and/or your supplemental insurance for services not covered by Medicare. If neither Medicare nor your supplemental insurance covers these services, you will be responsible for payment.

Financial Assistance or Payment Plans – We can help you apply for financial hardship or set up a payment plan if you anticipate problems in paying your portion of the bill.

You may contact our Customer Service Department at (859) 344-5555 or toll free at (877) 687-3303

After Your Visit

Please respond promptly to requests that you receive from your insurance company for additional information. These requests must be handled within a timely fashion before payment will be made by your insurance company for outstanding claims.

Billing Questions – If you have any questions regarding your bill(s), please do not hesitate to call our Customer Service department. Our hours are Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. For your convenience, billing questions may be asked through your MyChart account. A response will be sent by Customer Service via your MyChart account. For questions regarding your hospital bill, you may call (877) 424-5750.

Who Can Discuss a Bill – Patient Confidentiality is very important to us. Our Customer Service Representatives may only speak with the patient or person designated in writing by the patient to receive the bill(s) on behalf of the patient. If you would like to add or modify this restriction, you can complete a new ACF at any office location as well as print one from our website and mail it to your physician’s office. This form is located via Patient Forms at

Have your Statement on Hand – For us to help answer your questions more efficiently, please have a copy of your statement, insurance card(s) and any additional information available.

Mailing Instructions – To ensure that we credit your correct account appropriately, tear off the bottom portion of your bill and mail it in the envelope provided with your statements. If paying by a check please include your guarantor number on the check.

Common Billing Terminology

Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) – A notice advising you that tests performed by your physician may not be covered by Medicare. The purpose of the ABN is to make you aware in advance that the services about to be rendered may not be covered and to advise you that you will be responsible for making payment.

Alternate Communication Form (ACF) – A form to be complete by the patient stating who is able to speak to a healthcare professional on the patient’s behalf as well as specific information that is allowed to be released.

Billing Statement – A summary of current activity on an account, balance due and other key information.

Birthday Rule – Endorsed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) states that the plan of the parent whose date of birth (Month and Day) falls earlier in the calendar year is the primary plan for the dependent children.

Claim – The information billed to the insurance company for a specific date of service provided to a patient.

Co – Insurance – An arrangement made with an insurance company where the patient and insurance company share in the payment of a service. Co-insurance takes effect after the approved deductible has been met.

Co-Pay – The amount of money or percent of charges for basic supplemental health services that a member is required to pay, set in place by your health plan. This is often associated with an office visit or emergency room visit. Example $5, $15, $25.

Coordination of Benefits(COB) – The process of determining which of two or more insurance policies will have the primary responsibility of processing/paying a claim and the extent to which the other policies will contribute.

Deductible – The portion of eligible (covered) expenses that you must pay each year before your insurance plan will begin to pay.

Effective Date – The date on which a policyholder’s coverage begins.

Eligible Charges (Allowed Amount) – The maximum dollar amount allowed for covered services rendered by participating providers and facilities or by nonparticipating providers and facilities. Deductibles and coinsurance amounts are calculated from eligible charges. Participating providers and facilities accept this allowed amount as payment in full for covered services. Nonparticipating providers and facilities may not accept this allowed amount as payment in full for covered services.

Evidence of Coverage (EOC) – A written guide from your health plan that explains what the plan does and does not cover and the rules you must follow for getting care.

Explanation of Benefits (EOB) – A statement provided to the insured by an insurance company explaining how the claim was processed.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) – A short term savings account that lets you set aside pre-tax income and use it to pay for health care.

Guarantor – The person responsible for paying the bill.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) – This act helps to ensure that privacy is maintained in regards to patients’ medical records and includes a set of standards to which all electronic medical records must adhere.

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) – A health care system that provides comprehensive health care services for enrollees in a particular geographic area. HMO’s require the use of specific in-network plan providers.

Health Savings Account (HSA) – A personal savings account used in conjunction with a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) that allows users to save money tax-free against medical expenses. With an HAS-Qualified HDHP members can take the money they save on premiums and invest it in the HAS to pay for future qualified medical expenses.

In-Network Provider – A healthcare professional, hospital or pharmacy that is part of a health plans network of preferred providers. You generally will pay less for services received from in-network providers because they have negotiated a discount for their services.

Insurance Deductible – An insurance deductible is a minimum amount the patient must pay before the insurance company will cover the remaining costs. Usually the deductible needs to be met and paid by the patient each year.

Medicaid – A health insurance program that provides health benefits to low-income individuals who cannot afford Medicare or other commercial plans.

Medicare – The federal insurance program that provides health benefits to Americans 65 and older and people under 65 with certain medical conditions. Medicare has two parts: Part A – covers hospital services and Part B – covers doctor services.

Medicare Supplemental Insurance – An additional insurance policy that processes claims after Medicare reimbursement that helps fill the “gaps” in Medicare coverage.

Non-Participation – Non-Participation means that the physician does not participate in the patient’s health plan; therefore, the patient is billed directly for services and is responsible for payment in full.

Open Enrollment – The period during each year in which you can join a plan or change plans if your employer offers more than one plan.

Out-Of-Network Provider – Physicians who are not contracted with an insurance company.

Out-Of-Pocket Maximum – The most you will have to pay for covered medical expense in a plan year through deductible and coinsurance before your insurance plan will begin to pay 100% of covered medical expenses.

Payer – A third-party entity (commercial or government insurance carriers) that pays medical claims.

Physician Participation – A method by which a physician agrees to accept an insurance company’s payment as payment in full, the claim is sent directly to the insurance company with payment made directly to the physician. This excludes any amount considered patient obligation under the patient’s coverage plan. Example co-insurance, deductibles, and non-covered services would still have to be paid by the patient.

Pre-Approval – Permission from you medical group or health plan to get a service that requires a referral from your doctor. Also called a prior authorization or authorization.

Pre-Existing Condition – An illness or injury you have before you join a health plan.

Premium – What your health plan charges each month to maintain your healthcare coverage.

Primary Care Physician (PCP) – A physician who delivers general health care and is most often the first physician a patient sees. This physician treats patients directly and refers them to specialists and/or admits them to the hospital.

Primary Insurance – The insurance primarily responsible for the payment of the claim.

Prior Authorization/Precertification – A formal approval obtained from the insurance company prior to delivery of medical services.

Provider – Any person (doctor, nurse practitioner, medical assistant, etc.) or institution (hospital) that provides medical care.

Referral Authorization – Approval for a member to see a physician or access services outside of the participating medical group.

Referring Physician – A physician who sends a patient to another doctor for specialty care or services.

Secondary Insurance – The insurance responsible for processing the claim after the primary insurance determination of benefits.

Subscriber – The person who holds and/or is responsible for the medical insurance policy.

Termination Date – The date on which a policyholder’s coverage ends.

Yearly Deductible – The amount you must pay each year before your health insurance plan starts to pay. Also called an annual deductible.

Yearly Out-Of-Pocket Maximum – The most you have to pay for most health care services in a year. In some cases, you may still have to pay co-pays for some services.

St. Elizabeth Physicians is providing this Privacy Policy to you so that you understand how we use the information you provide. Privacy is our primary concern for users of our online services.

  1. We record email contact information strictly for our internal use. We do not sell or distribute personal information.
  2. We send confirmation emails regarding payments and certain types of maintenance. Confirmation emails help guard against fraudulent use of the system.
  3. We record your use of the system to the extent we are aware of when log-in occurs. We also keep statistics about how the system is used. This information helps us plan better services and improve system performance.
  4. We use encrypted transmission (Secure Socket Layer – SSL) for all transactions on our billing site.
  5. We use cookies for our internal use only. They are required to maintain session information.
  6. We do not share cookies with any outside agency.
  7. We do not place shared cookies or customer profiling banner ads on our pages.
  8. We do not retain credit card information (unless you specifically tell us to for your convenience) except for audit trails which are used to prove transactions. The audit trails have portions of the card number marked out for enhanced privacy.

Furthermore, we will comply with Government guidelines, or laws, regarding protection of your privacy both now and in the future. If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us.

Online Website Agreement and Authorization for Payments

The St. Elizabeth Physicians Web Site (the “Service”) is an on-line bill viewing and payment service provided by St. Elizabeth Physicians.

Please read this Agreement carefully before accessing or using the Service. By accessing or using the Service, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below. If you do not accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you may not access or use the Service. St. Elizabeth Physicians may modify this Agreement from time to time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified Agreement. By continuing to access or use the Service following such modifications, you agree to be bound by the modified Agreement. St. Elizabeth Physicians has no obligation to notify users of the posting of a modified Agreement.

Payment Services.

By accessing the Service, you authorize St. Elizabeth Physicians (1) to establish and maintain your payment authorizations and (2) to process your payments according to your instructions.

Types of Payments and Payees.

You may use the Service only to authorize the payment of bills owing to St. Elizabeth Physicians. Payments that you authorize will be made from a bank or financial institution account (the “Transaction Account”) that you designate. It is your responsibility to establish and maintain the Transaction Account and to pay any and all fees associated with the Transaction Account.


By providing St. Elizabeth Physicians with a payment authorization under the Service, you authorize St. Elizabeth Physicians to charge the Transaction Account to remit funds on your behalf to pay your bills owed to St. Elizabeth Physicians. It is your responsibility to make timely payment authorizations, so that the funds will arrive at St. Elizabeth Physicians before the date on which they are due. You should submit all payment authorizations to St. Elizabeth Physicians at least three (3) business days before the actual due date for the bills (not the late date). A “business day” means any day other than Saturday, Sunday, a federal holiday, or any other day on which banks in the United States are not generally open for business. You shall bear the risk and the responsibility for paying any late charges or penalties resulting from the late receipt of any payment made under the Service; provided, however that St. Elizabeth Physicians agrees to waive late charges and penalties resulting from late receipt of payment, in the event that your payment authorization was made more than (3) business days before the actual due date and the payment is late solely due to St. Elizabeth Physicians’ failure to promptly process your payment authorization.

Responsibility of St. Elizabeth Physicians.

St. Elizabeth Physicians will use all reasonable efforts to process all your payment authorizations promptly and properly, provided the authorizations are actually received by St. Elizabeth Physicians. St. Elizabeth Physicians will not be responsible for any failure to process a payment authorization that is not actually and completely received by St. Elizabeth Physicians for any reason, including user error, equipment malfunction, natural disasters or impediments, or inaccurate or incomplete information.

If St. Elizabeth Physicians does not process a payment request on time or in the correct amount, St. Elizabeth Physicians will be liable for your losses, but in no event shall St. Elizabeth Physicians’ liability exceed the amount of the affected payment authorization. However, St. Elizabeth Physicians shall incur no liability fees if it is unable to complete a payment authorization initiated by you because of the existence of any one or more of the following circumstances:

  • The Transaction Account does not contain sufficient funds to complete the transaction, or the transaction would exceed the credit limit applicable to the Transaction Account.
  • You have not provided St. Elizabeth Physicians with correct names or account information.
  • Circumstances beyond St. Elizabeth Physicians’ control (such as, but not limited to, fire, flood, or interference from an outside force) prevent the proper transmission of your payment authorization and St. Elizabeth Physicians has taken reasonable precautions to avoid those circumstances.
  • St. Elizabeth Physicians fails to receive a full and complete payment authorization.
  • You have made any false or materially misleading statement or representation in connection with any payment authorization.
  • The bank or financial institution maintaining the Transaction Account refuses or is unable to honor a payment request from St. Elizabeth Physicians.

Bank or Financial Institution Limitations.

In using the Service, you are requesting St. Elizabeth Physicians to make payments for you from your designated Transaction Account. If your bank or financial institution is unable to process a transaction (for example, there are not sufficient funds in the Transaction Account to cover the transaction, or if funds in the account are unavailable for any reason), the transaction may not be completed. There may be limits or restrictions upon the number or frequency of payments that may be made from your Transaction Account under applicable law or under the terms of your agreement with the bank or financial institution maintaining the Transaction Account. St. Elizabeth Physicians’ obligations under the Service are subject to any such limits or restrictions, and St. Elizabeth Physicians has no duty to notify you of any such limits or restrictions.


As a customer of the Service, you will not be charged by St. Elizabeth Physicians for payment authorizations that you choose to send electronically.






You may not assign this Agreement to any other party. St. Elizabeth Physicians may assign this Agreement to any directly or indirectly affiliated company. St. Elizabeth Physicians may also assign or delegate certain of its rights and responsibilities under this Agreement to independent contractors or other third parties.


This Agreement is governed and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of KY, excluding its choice of law rules. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, oral or written, between St. Elizabeth Physicians and you concerning the Service and may only be amended as provided herein. Failure or delay in enforcing any right or provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision or right with respect to any subsequent breach or a continuance of an existing breach. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be unenforceable that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent possible, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

St. Elizabeth Physicians Billing FAQs

Our service supports Netscape Version 6 and Internet Explorer (IE) Version 4 or higher because these versions support “strong” encryption. (Encryption allows us to encode your information so that no one else on the Internet can read it.) There are a few exceptions listed below.

Please be aware that:

  • You must be using 128-bit encryption, and it must be turned on in your browser. (See your browser’s online help for more information.)
  • Javascript must be enabled in your browser. Normally, it’s turned on by default, although you can disable it. (See your browser’s online help for more information.)

Exceptions, as noted above, include:

  • Internet Explorer 4.5 for Macintosh. This browser has problems that may cause this site not to function properly. We recommend Macintosh users who wish to use IE upgrade to the most current version.
  • IE Version 4 may work satisfactorily. However, 128-bit encryption (also called strong encryption) was not included in all releases of Internet Explorer Version 4. To avoid this problem, we recommend IE users upgrade to the most current version.
  • Netscape Navigator and Netscape Communicator lower than Version 6. These browsers do not follow web standards for dynamic content. To avoid these problems, we recommend Netscape users upgrade to the most current version.

We are committed to protecting your personal information. Whenever you are paying bills, you are using a secure connection that fully protects your information. Data you provide cannot be viewed by anyone else on the Web. We do not share your information with anyone else.

Security is maintained by industry-standard SSL (secure socket layer) encryption and decryption technology. The SSL protocol is used to ensure that your information is sent directly to us and that only we can decode it. Please take notice of our security certificate listed on our online payment site.

While you are using our service, we need to store some information on your computer’s hard drive in the form of a cookie. (A cookie is a small file that a Web site puts on your hard drive so that it can retain information for later use.) For this reason, the cookie functionality must be enabled in your browser in order to use the digital billing system. However, the cookie will never read information from your hard drive or copy information about other sites that you visit.

St. Elizabeth Physicians bills insurance companies or any responsible third parties before sending a final bill to the patient. Once payments have been received from these third parties, the balance due on the statement is your portion of the bill and your responsibility to pay. After these payments are posted, you will receive a statement the next business day and every 28 days thereafter until the balance has been paid in full. If the balance on your statement is not paid within 105 days, your outstanding balances will be transferred to an outside collection agency unless you arrange a payment plan.

We only have access to your account to make payments that you have authorized. We never access your payment account(s) without your authorization and, as noted above, we never have information about your account balance.

What information do I need in order to make an electronic payment?

All information required to make an online payment is clearly listed on the payment screens. If you attempt to make an online payment and have forgotten to complete all required fields, you will receive a reminder so that you are aware of the missing item or items.

All questions regarding your account balance should be directed to customer service at the number listed on this page.

We make withdrawals authorized by you from the financial account that you designate as the payment account. As with any payment account, you must provide sufficient funds to cover all payments. Since we have no knowledge of your account balance at any time, we cannot notify you if your payment account has insufficient funds. There may be additional charges for payments attempted against accounts with insufficient funds.

We participate with most insurance plans, including Medicare. If you are not insured by a plan we participate with, payment in full is expected at each visit. You are responsible for providing all insurance information and establishing the proper sequencing of primary and secondary coverage (coordination of benefits) at the time of registration. If you are insured by a plan but do not have an up-to-date insurance card, payment in full for each visit may be required until we can verify your active coverage. Knowing your insurance benefits is your responsibility. Please contact your insurance company with any questions you may have regarding your coverage. Co-Payments and deductible amounts must be paid at the time of service. This arrangement is part of your contract with your insurance company. St. Elizabeth Physicians will send all claims to your insurance on file, once processed you should receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) stating how much your insurance company paid and how much you owe. Most insurance plans have determined certain services that may not be covered, such as cosmetic procedures or elective services. We try to inform you of the rules ahead of time, but we do not always know if a service is covered. Since there are so many coverage plans available, you are encouraged to review your policy and contact your insurance company.

Verify that your insurance has received and processed your claims.

Review your insurance policy to determine if the service is covered under your plan. If you are unable to verify this information, call your insurance company to verify. Your insurance company has the most up to date and accurate information about your policy and claim.

Call our customer service department to verify we have the most up-to-date insurance information on file for you.

We can only bill your insurance company if you provide us with accurate up-to-date medical insurance information.

We submit all charges to your insurance company based on the claim information provided by you at your visit. If you receive a statement for charges that should be covered by W/C or TPL, please contact us to verify we have the accurate claim number and billing address so that your claims can be paid in a timely manner.

You may be billed by St. Elizabeth Physicians, St. Elizabeth Physicians Services and St. Elizabeth Healthcare. St. Elizabeth Healthcare statements cover hospital services that are non-physician services such as supplies, medication, X-rays, lab work, and facility fees. St. Elizabeth Physician statements include services from any of our physician offices, including visits by our physicians while in the hospital. St. Elizabeth Physician Services statements include professional services rendered by our hospital-based physicians.

How do I change the mailing address on my statement?

You can complete the change of address section on the back of page one of your statement when sending in your payment or contact our customer service department.

What is my Account number?

Your account number is your guarantor number. This number appears on the top right and bottom right corners of your statement.

Contact Us

Mail Your Payment

St. Elizabeth Physicians

P.O. Box 630839

Cincinnati, OH 45263

Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.